Local Economic Development Strategy

We are at a critical time here on St. George Island, Alaska. While we have many great assets, such as our people and culture, marine wildlife and natural resources, and supporting organizations, we also have a declining population, critical infrastructure and energy needs, and high unemployment. Recognizing this, the St. George City Council found the resources to do some strategic planning, engage our community, and get the information we need to develop this Economic Development Strategy.
Since 2018, significant input from community members, local and partnering organizations, and support from EcoPlan International, has led to the creation of "Rebuilding Our Future: St. George's Economic Development Strategy."
Scroll down to view the Final Strategy report.

Major progress been made within the Strategy's first year of implementation, like these major milestones.
$164 Million Approved for St. George Harbor Improvements
In December 2020, the US Federal Government passed the Water Resources Development Act, approving St. George Harbor navigation improvements. This will increase for the operability, safety, and reliability of the St. George Harbor.
More Grants = More Possibilities
Securing more grants will both enhance the Island’s financial resilience and support local needs, opportunities, and capacity. Recognizing that resources are needed to apply for and leverage grants, St. George recently contracted a professional Grant Writer who has since begun improving grant readiness.
New Assistant City
Administrator Hired
In 2020, St. George obtained funding from the Aleutian Pribilof Island Community Development Association funding to hire an Assistant City Administrator who will help coordinate Strategy implementation by working with and building on the skills of community members, St. George’s leadership, and other partners. One of the Administrator’s first undertakings has been repairing the wind turbine, identified in the Strategy as an opportunity to reduce energy costs by an estimated $250,000-$300,000 annually.
These Working Papers are the research behind the Final Strategy.
The community survey was administered as a major component of the community engagement that informed the St. George Economic Development Strategy. It contained 25 questions asking about respondents’ opinions on the economic development options that were explored in this Strategy, their job situations and aspirations, and general thoughts about economic development on St. George. Overall, 49 responses were received between May and July of 2019.
The survey results helped inform this Strategy’s vision, and provide highly important insight into community members’ opinions on the various options for St. George’s economic development. With questions surrounding some of these options, it was of utmost importance to collect and include community members’ thoughts on them. These have been included throughout the Strategy.

We want the local economic development strategy to reflect everyone's values and priorities. Share your ideas.